Sunday, July 12, 2009

Back on a schedule?

Tomorrow I go back to work. Being a teacher I've been off of any sort of schedule for several weeks. When I'm home I eat more, and I eat randomly. I'm hoping that being back at work will help me to stick with a reasonable eating schedule and help me to not eat as much junk.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Canali's Goals

I have many goals. But I think my number one goal should be having more self control when it comes to food. I love to eat. . .and unfortunately I like to eat unhealthy food. Once again I started out great. . .my usually oatmeal. . .only 3 WW points. Then at lunch it all went out the door. We had pizza at work today and I started out with just 2 pieces. . .not bad. . .and I had water. But I had to go back for a third piece and while I was in the kitchen I decided to have a glass of Dr. Pepper. . not a small glass but a large glass of Dr. Pepper. We had an ice cream party with all the school aged children at my work (a daycare by the way) and of course I helped myself to leftovers. . .with a squirt of chocolate syrup. I know I only have 7 pounds until I reach my goal but I don't start having more self control it maybe more like 70 pounds. Another goal I have is to exercise more. I am doing pretty good with that one. . .any night we are at home I walk 20 to 30 minutes. . .I walk briskly so I feel good about it afterwards!!!

Monday, June 15, 2009

My Goals

My goals are to eat better, exercise more, and lose weight. Today I had a salad for lunch and pretzels for a snack. I didn't touch the chocolate cake I made for my husband on our anniversary yesterday.

I'm going to Jazzercise in an hour, which I have been doing 3 times a week. If I could get to bed earlier over the summer I might be able to get myself to go every morning. . . I'm working on it.

The losing weight part has always been a struggle. . . I figure if I get the first 2 goals, this one should not be too difficult.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Discussion Topics

I think we should have a discussion topic each week to help us communicate. I'll start by posting the topic on Sunday (tomorrow).

I'll give you a hint - Goal setting.


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Amy's Journey

Several years ago I made the decision to join WW and was very successful. I achieved lifetime status and kept the weight off for a few years until Jim and I started trying to conceive, in the year it took us to conceive Elizabeth I managed to gain all the weight back plus some. Fortunately during my pregnancy I did not gain much weight and have lost about half of it. Also, when I was 20 weeks pregnancy I fell and "blew out" my knee. Since I was pregnant nothing could or would be done to diagnose or treat the knee. In December, just two months have having Elizabeth I had surgery to repair a badly torn meniscus.

I returned to school in January and discovered that working full time and being a full time mom left no time for exercise to lose the pounds or get my knee back into shape. Alas, summer has arrived I'm doing much better. I'm watching what I eat and walking about 4 days per week (my goal). Since I'll never run again and cannot have impact on my knee walking is the best thing for me. I'm starting to notice changes in my body and very happy for that, although the scale is not showing that progress.

I have to remember that I did not gain it over night and I will not lose it overnight. I have 60 lbs to lose one pound at a time!

I look forward to posting weekly and finding support from everyone as we tackle this battle together!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Sarah's Journey

I am obsessed with food.....and I have huge portion control problems. I had a baby on March 12 and am so proud to say I lost all 28 pounds plus 12 more! I did really well on Weight Watchers after baby 1, so I am trying to follow that plan and go to Jazzercise (just got my 200 classes award) at least twice a week. I am still at least 30 pounds overweight...probably closer to 50. I am so glad to be a part of this group!

My new "favorite" discovery are the Arnold Sandwich Thins. They make a great "bun" or bread substitute and have 6 grams of fiber! Only 1 WW point!!! I have purchased at Walmart and at Marsh (an Indiana grocery store).

Monday, June 8, 2009

Suzanne's Journey

I have a really hard time losing weight. It's mostly self control that kicks my butt. I've been going to Jazzercise twice a week and I'm going to up that to at least three times a week. This weekend was rough for eating, as we were traveling and not eating at any regular schedule. Today, I'm starting again with eating better and trying to control my lack of self control.